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Cosmetic Dentistry in Washington, DC

With cosmetic dentistry, your appearance can be enhanced using a variety of restorative and cosmetic treatments designed to enhance the appearance of your smile. These treatments are ideal for patients who want to improve the look of their smile without investing in orthodontics or significant restorations such as crowns. At Georgetown Cosmetic Dentistry, we offer a range of cosmetic dentistry treatments designed to improve the look of your smile. 

The goal of cosmetic dentistry is to enhance oral and dental aesthetics rather than oral health or function. Even though having aesthetic dental work is optional rather than necessary, having a lovely smile and being comfortable with one's appearance may boost self-esteem. We advise that you speak with Dr. Roshan, our cosmetic dentist if you have any concerns about the appearance of your teeth or smile and want to enhance it with cosmetic dentistry. 

Being outgoing and feeling youthful can increase one's optimism and motivation to overcome challenges. This, in turn, can help reduce stress and strengthen your immune system, which eventually lowers your risk of disease. Having healthy teeth and gums will allow you to eat wholesome, nutritious food, be confident to smile before others, and could be helpful in leading a long and happy life.

This is how cosmetic dentistry can help you have a beautiful smile.

Whiten discolored teeth and eliminate dental stains 

Conceal or address chipped or cracked teeth.

Recontour your gum line if you have an uneven gum line or too much of your gums show when you smile.

Fill spaces between teeth using procedures like veneers, crowns, implants, and bridges.

How Cosmetic Dentistry Works?

Consider scheduling a consultation with Dr. Roshan, if you have any extra spaces between your teeth, missing teeth, damaged teeth, or stained or discolored teeth. From aesthetic dental implants to professional teeth whitening, Georgetown Dentistry provides a complete range of cosmetic dentistry services that can help you meet your smile goals. 

Types of Cosmetic Dental Treatments

Dental Implants

Dental implants are permanent restorations that are the best treatment option for replacing missing teeth. They offer a secure, stable foundation for dental crowns and bridges to replace multiple teeth in a row or fill in gaps in your smile. The implants are placed into the jawbone, where they will fuse with the bone and serve as replacement root structures for missing teeth. Once they are bonded to the jaw, artificial teeth are attached in their place.


If you have crooked teeth or gaps in your smile, we may be able to help you straighten your teeth with Invisalign®! Unlike metal braces, these clear aligners are completely invisible when you wear them. All your treatment will be provided to you in stages so that you can change out each aligner at home as each step of your tooth movement is complete. Each set of aligners will gently and gradually shift your teeth into their proper position.

Dental Bonding

The composite material we use for dental bonding is tooth-colored, which makes it a popular treatment option for patients with visible teeth or stains on their smiles. We prep the tooth by removing a small amount of enamel to improve the bond's force and the restoration's appearance. Then we apply a liquid composite resin that hardens into a robust and durable substance. Once the material is in place, we will smooth and polish it to blend with your natural smile. 

Dental Veneers

Veneers are thin, custom-made porcelain laminates that are applied to the tooth to fix gaps, cracks, and chips.

Inlays or Onlays

Inlays or indirect fillings are a type of filling used to address tooth decay or other structural damage.

Teeth Whitening

Also called "tooth bleaching," a teeth whitening procedure eliminates dental stains and brightens dull and discolored teeth.

The Benefits of Cosmetic Dental Treatments

Many patients consider cosmetic dentistry services for aesthetic purposes, but treatment can also improve oral health. Treatments that can improve oral health include dental crowns and bridges, which replace missing teeth and help restore your ability to chew and speak correctly, and root canal therapy, which can relieve the pain of an infected tooth and save it from needing an extraction. Patients who undergo these treatments often experience a boost in self-confidence as well. By improving the appearance of your smile with restorative dental care, you can also boost your self-esteem.

Your Cosmetic Dentist In Washington, DC

At Georgetown Dentistry, we understand that the decision to have a cosmetic procedure should not be made lightly; you should only receive the best cosmetic dental care. Dr. Roshan will thoroughly examine your teeth to make sure that any recommended treatment is appropriate for you. Dr. Roshan is a cosmetic dentist with years of expertise and experience. He also has references from former patients who have had cosmetic dental work done. If you want to enhance your smile, visit us; you are in excellent hands with us. 

To learn whether cosmetic dentistry is right for you, contact Georgetown Cosmetic Dentistry at 2440 M Street, NW, Suite 328, Washington, DC 20037, or call (202) 785-4141.



2440 M Street, NW, Suite 328,
Washington, DC 20037

Office Hours

MON - THU8:00 am - 4:00 pm

FRIBy appointments only

SAT - SUNClosed
