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Smile Makeover in Washington, DC

A smile makeover is a cosmetic dentistry treatment that can transform your smile. At Georgetown Cosmetic Dentistry, this treatment uses a combination of cosmetic procedures to enhance the appearance of your teeth and address issues such as discoloration, chips, cracks, or gaps. These improvements can dramatically improve your smile and boost your confidence.

Who Should Get a Smile Makeover?

If you are unhappy with your smile, you may be a good candidate for a smile makeover. A smile makeover is a collection of cosmetic dental procedures that work together to improve the appearance of your smile. Patients who opt for this cosmetic dentistry option are looking for a dramatic change to their smiles and are often looking for a complete smile transformation. Some standard procedures used in a cosmetic smile makeover include dental crowns, porcelain veneers, dental bonding, teeth whitening, gum reshaping, and more. Remember, your smile is unique to you, and Dr. Roshan will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan that meets your goals.

Smile Makeover Procedures

A smile makeover refers to a set of cosmetic or restorative procedures designed to improve your smile’s aesthetic appearance and overall function. Typically, a smile makeover will include several common dental treatments, including teeth whitening, tooth-colored fillings, and dental crowns. A few of the treatments may be combined into a single treatment session. Each patient’s smile restoration plan will be unique to their needs and goals. Some patients may simply need a few minor adjustments to improve their oral health, while others may need more extensive care to address a number of dental concerns.

Your dentist will take x-rays and perform a comprehensive oral exam to determine your individual needs. Based on the results, Dr. Roshan may recommend one or several of the following treatment options as part of your smile makeover:

  • Tooth whitening – Professional teeth whitening from Dr. Roshan is the safest and most effective way to brighten your smile. In-office teeth whitening can brighten your teeth up to eight shades in a single visit!
  • Dental crowns – If a tooth has sustained damage beyond a simple filling but does not require a full root canal treatment, a crown can be used to restore the appearance and function of the tooth.
  • Dental bridges – If you are missing one or more consecutive teeth, a bridge can be used to fill in the gap and restore your smile’s appearance. Bridges consist of artificial teeth and are secured in place by surrounding healthy teeth for long-lasting support.
  • Tooth-colored fillings – In the past, metal fillings were used to restore cavities and replace missing teeth. Today, modern dentistry offers alternatives that are not only more attractive but safer for patients as well. Tooth-colored alternatives made of composite resin can be closely matched to your natural enamel for better aesthetics.
  • Dentures & partials – For patients with more advanced tooth loss, traditional dentures or partials can be of help.

The Benefits of a Smile Makeover

Improve Your Oral Health

If your teeth have suffered damage due to decay or accidents, they may need to be removed to maintain good oral health and prevent infection. Missing teeth can also affect your speech and ability to chew and eat properly. Teeth replacement options such as dental implants can help you have a complete and functional smile again. With new teeth, you can finally enjoy all your favorite foods without worry!

Boost Your Confidence

Having a beautiful smile that shows off your best features can boost your self-confidence and help you make a great first impression when you meet new people. If you hide your smile because you feel embarrassed about the appearance of your teeth, getting cosmetic dentistry treatment may be a great solution. You’ll have a happier and more fulfilling social life once you feel proud of your appearance.

Improve Your Overall Quality of Life

If you are self-conscious about your smile, you may not feel comfortable smiling in social situations or even around loved ones. This can harm your life since smiling and laughing are important in social interactions. When you become confident about your smile, you can fully participate in the activities you enjoy in life, improving your overall well-being.

A smile makeover can dramatically improve your appearance and boost confidence, but there are even more benefits of a smile makeover than you may realize. Visit Georgetown Cosmetic Dentistry at 2440 M Street, NW, Suite 328, Washington, DC 20037, or call (202) 785-4141 to learn more about smile makeovers.



2440 M Street, NW, Suite 328,
Washington, DC 20037

Office Hours

MON - THU8:00 am - 4:00 pm

FRIBy appointments only

SAT - SUNClosed
